
Help provide

vital support to the most
vulnerable families in Pakistan

Safe + Easy Donations

Give charity without delay for it stands in the way of calamity

The Messenger (PBUH) told us that Sadaqah extinguishes sins like water extinguishes fire.
It’s a powerful gift from Allah that protects your successes and blesses you in hardship.
Give Sadaqah and reap the beautiful rewards.

Food & Water Charity

That’s 785 million people who struggle every day to find a fundamental ingredient needed to sustain life. It’s not just drinking water though – did you know two out of five humans in the world live without access to soap or a handwashing facility?

Become a Volunteer

Want to volunteer but don’t know where to start? Volunteers’ Week is a great time to find out more. There are all kinds of volunteering roles out there, contributing to many different causes.

Send a Gift for Children

Your donation to the Family Gift Fund helps provide gifts and support to struggling children and families. You’ll help them meet urgent needs and let them know how much you care about their their well-being.